Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April A To Z Challenge Day 26 - Z is for Zest For Blogging Revived!

 Yay! Today is April 30th and that means today is the last day of the A to Z challenge. And I have survived! Honestly, in the beginning of the challenge, with just some 10 posts scheduled, I was not too sure if I would make it to the finish line. In my heart I dreaded giving up on this challenge, I wanted to prove something to myself. Maybe I wanted to prove that I could finish what I took up!

And although the going was smooth for many days, the last few days I floundered, not able to think what to write for letter X. But finally I managed to post all 26 posts within the stipulated time. And I feel happy to complete the challenge unscathed J I feel like a hero, or rather a heroine J

This challenge, while being hectic, has also taught me few things related to writing and blogging and below I have tried to collect my thoughts on this challenge.

Blogging regularly is not as difficult as I thought, especially if I am organized and make better use of my time.

Time management- if I spend less time on Facebook and other social networking sites and instead utilize the time to write, I can blog more often. And that’s what I plan to do- dedicate some time every day for writing. It may be a post, a short story or maybe even a rant, as long as I write something!  It does not matter if what I write sees the light of the day or not. But write every day, I must!

Networking. I came across so many wonderful blogs through this challenge, and I am amazed to see how the power of networking affects blogging. Some see it as scratching backs, but to me blogging is an ever evolving domain and to learn, one must read and grow his/her writing skills. And yes, when I read and comment on other blogs, I don’t expect the person to return the favor.

Organized. Okay, I was really writing haphazardly, especially in the last few weeks. But this is my first time and I had really no idea how the ride would be. I am already planning for the challenge next year and I plan to be super-organized. Yes, I am going to schedule all 26 posts next time around. And that’s a promise J

April has been a roller coaster ride, with writing, reading, blogging and planning. And it will feel strange in May, when there is no rush to publish my posts and visit other blogs to see what my co-challengers have posted.

I am wrapping up the post with the list of some wonderful bloggers that I have read and enjoyed in this challenge. If I have missed reading other blogs then it’s totally my loss, but next time I am going to be organized and more prepared. Adios amigos J



  1. Congratulations on successfully completing the A-Z challenge!
    I had composed all 26 posts before end-March. I did edit a few, and also replaced a couple, so I had enough time to visit over 500 new blogs at least once.

    Do visit my blog at, read my A-Z posts (and others if you have the time) and comment if possible.

  2. U did a great job. Congos on wrapping up the challenge succesfully
    am so so glad it is over
    THanks for reading my posts once in a while and u Scheduled 10 posts !! that was awesome
    good luck with blogging
    hope to see u around

  3. :)I am not A-Z challenger as it began before I entered into blogging....but still wondered how the participants must be writing all 30 days and here is the answer in this post...I look forward to participate next year with the ZEST!It was nice going through your post...

  4. Indeed the zest for blogging makes the life much more zestful!

  5. Congrats on completing the challenge, this was my 3rd and I had a great time.

  6. Congratulations on completing the challenge :) This was my 3rd one and I had a great time.

  7. Congrats on successfully completing this challenge. I completed it too! So, yay to us! :D

  8. Congrats Prasanna... you know through this challenge I found out how we have so much in common... Loved reading your posts and loved sailing through this with you :)

    And now looking forward to a few days away from the laptop as I feel exhausted :)
    Z for Zen-Random Thoughts Naba

  9. Are you the same Prassana who's been coming to my blog?? I'm not sure because when I tried to come back I was taken to some other blogger profile. I had no idea you were participating.. I've even mentioned that in my Z post :)
    Hope to read your blog now.. there is always the next post, right?

  10. Congratulations!! You are a rock star! ♥

  11. Congratulations! Frankly even I had my doubts initially but like you said, after posting daily I realized its not such a difficult task! You have reckoned my feelings too! :)

  12. Yes ...we all did that.............congratulations!!!

  13. yes we all did it. There's some more to read but I will make it :) thank you so much for the mention

  14. Congrats on successfully completing the challenge..

    I like your blog so I am nominating you for the Liebster award.
    Please check my post for the details.
