Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Book Review 2014 #8 :Sorting Out Sid by Yashodhara Lal

Title: Sorting Out Sid      
Source: Goodreads
Author: Yashodhara Lal

About the story: The story is about a man, Sid, in his late 30s whose marriage is in shambles and works in the management section of a leading toilet cleaner company. Does he love his job? No, but it does provide him with some toilet humor in those parties where he has to don the ‘Party-Sid’ mask. And it’s in such a party hosted by his good friend Aditi, he meets Neha, a single mother. Although his first meeting with Neha does not go as good as he had expected, he just cannot get Neha and her infectious laughter out of his head.

At work Sid has to tolerate his half-witted boss, Akash, and laugh at his crude jokes even when the only thing on Sid’s mind is to strangle his unscrupulous boss. Things are not better at his home too, what with his wife, Mandira, and he heading for divorce after several years of being married. Things just get worse when his parents decide to visit his house and Sid does not know how to break the news of his impending divorce to his parents.

Can Sid finally sort his life out?  Will Sid divorce Mandira or will they reconcile? This is not exactly a coming of age story but the story of a man, who with his chaotic life and a propensity to avoid unpleasant situations, finally decides to take control of his life. How successful he is in his endeavor is something you will find out after you read this book.

My Review:  The story completely belongs to Sid and his eccentricities in life. And as the story moves forward the author manages to peel off yet another layer of Sid’s personality and leaves you confused.

All through the book Sid comes across as a person who tries to live in his fake identities, his various masks that he dons to entertain people. But almost at the end of the book, there is a paragraph where Neha accuses him to be too narcissistic and claims that even after months of knowing her, Sid never bothered to inquire about her two year old daughter’s full name, who she nicknamed quite oddly as Kippy.

Sid remains silent but as he strides out of Neha’s house, he softly says Kippy’s real name and remembers that he had noticed the name the first day he entered Neha’s house. That’s when you realize that there’s still hope for Sid. Such little gems in the book keeps you engrossed in between the toilet jokes that evokes a few chuckles.

As a writer, Yashodhara Lal, has grown tremendously from her last book. Fortunately the author, unlike in her previous book, managed to keep the usage of Hindi words to minimum. Sid’s characterization takes a major chunk in the story and I did feel that the other characters were a little sidelined. But I am not complaining because Sid has enough potential to keep you entertained with his antics throughout the 300+ paged book.

Funny thing is even though the storyline vaguely reminded me of ‘Wake-Up Sid’ movie, I just couldn’t shake off the image of Jim Carrey in Sid’s role.

Verdict: Overall a delightful read that managed to keep me riveted and entertained till the end.

Rating: 3.5/5

 This book was received from Indiblogger Book Review Program.


  1. Agree with your review :) Btw was the usage of Hindi was more in her previous book? I thought it was a bit over the line here as well..

  2. I bet Sid had lots of great "potty'" jokes. Haven't read this book, but it looks mildly entertaining.
